Ever wondered how Crime Scene Techs collect evidence or why patrol cars have computers inside? Would you like to watch a SWAT demonstration or ride in the bucket ladder? If so, join us for Public Safety Academy! This is an educational experience like no other that will teach you the ins and outs of the Meridian Police and Fire Departments.
The Meridian Police and Fire Public Safety Academy will provide community members with a behind the scenes, in-depth look at Meridian public safety. During the academy, attendees will learn about police and fire procedures, communications, and specialty units. Academy classes are taught by police and fire personnel. Participants will have the opportunity to meet the Police and Fire Chiefs as well as staff members.
With this academy, our goal is to bring a greater awareness and understanding of public safety's role in the community through the education and engagement, provided by the Public Safety Academy.
Due to limited space please only apply to the academy if you can commit to attending a majority of the classes. We understand last minute conflicts arise, but to get the full experience attendance is desired.
Registration for the 2025 Public Safety Academy is now open. The first evening will be Wednesday April 2nd. We will meet 9 consecutive Wednesday evenings and 2 Saturdays.
Please complete the application and mail it to:
Meridian Police Department
C/O Crime Prevention
1401 E. Watertower St. Meridian ID 83642
or scan and email to: crimeprevention@meridiancity.org
For questions on Public Safety Academy please contact the Crime Prevention Unit at crimeprevention@meridiancity.org or 208-895-3341.