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Time to Exercise…Your Vote

If you have been in downtown the last few weeks, you may have noticed the streets and parking lots around City Hall are a little busier than normal.  What is all the hubbub about?  Well as you know, it is time for the 2024 Idaho General Election and early voting has been taking place at City Hall with over 1,000 people a day showing up to make their voice heard. That’s right, it’s time to exercise your right to vote. 

Many of you know that I am a bit of a traditionalist, and relish getting to my precinct first thing in the morning to cast my ballot in person on Election Day. That said, having witnessed the number of people at City Hall early voting encourages me that people in Meridian are taking their civic duty to heart.  What also encourages me is the integrity that our poll workers have in getting the job done and making it easy for Idahoans to vote.  Through their efforts under the guidance of the Ada County Clerk and in partnership with the Idaho Secretary of State’s office, voting in Idaho is secure and I have no doubt that when the votes are counted on November 5th, the results will be accurate.

If you are an eligible voter, I encourage you to make sure you make the opportunity to cast your ballot.  There are several ways to do so, and plenty of information available for you to research the issues and people. And if you need to register first, that is easy as well, whether at an early voting location or even on Election Day at your polling location.  You can download the voter registration form HERE if you need one.

Whether accessing the Idaho Secretary of State’s VOTE Idaho website for lists of candidates and issues, or going to the Ada County Elections website HERE, there is a host of information for you about this year’s election.

If you’re someone looking to vote early, you can do so this week through Friday, November 1st at Meridian City Hall from 8am-5pm.  If you are an absentee voter, be sure to have your ballot in the mail or one of the drop boxes by 8pm on Election Day, November 5th.  A drop box is located at the Meridian City Hall plaza. And, if you’re like me and plan to go to the polls on Election Day, be sure to know your polling location before you head out. 

No matter when you go out and exercise your vote, know that lines may be longer than you are used to, and the poll workers are doing their best to keep things moving efficiently. Their efforts are also ensuring security of our process so that the results will be accurate when counted and reported. I encourage you to thank those working the polls so we can have our voice heard on Election Day.

About the author

Mayor Simison

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