Financial assistance is available for children up to 18 years old, who are interested in participating in Meridian Parks and Recreation activities. In 2024, families residing within the City of Meridian can receive assistance for up to 80% of an activity or membership fee, for a maximum of $250.00 per year, per child.
To be eligible, families must be receiving assistance through one or more of the following programs:
- Free or Reduced School Lunch
- Food Stamps
- Medicaid
- Energy Assistance
- Other Assistance
The Care Enough to Share application » must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the activity or membership start date OR two weeks prior to the release of an Activity Guide, whichever occurs first.
Documentation that the applicant is involved in one of the assistance programs is required and must be provided with application.
Parents/Guardians will need to fill out the residency information and indicate what type of assistance they are receiving.
Once a child has been approved for financial assistance, a child’s spot in a class/activity is only secured by paying the remaining class registration fees and tax. Registrations can be made through our online registration site, over the phone, or in-person. Financial assistance is not retroactive and can only be applied to new activity/membership registrations, once approved.

The Care Enough To Share application form must be filled out at least once per calendar year and must be submitted with proof of need. Documentation must remain current to receive financial assistance.
The Meridian Parks and Recreation Activity Guide includes all class listings currently available for enrollment. Access our Activity Guide here ».
If you have any further questions, please call the Meridian Parks and Recreation office at (208) 888-3579.
If you would like to provide financial assistance for local area youth through the Care Enough to Share Program, please call (208) 888-3579 or send an e-mail to