Send Your Wishes to the North Pole!
Every child who drops off a letter to Santa will receive a personal reply! Santa reads every single letter, and he loves to hear what each child hopes to find under the tree on Christmas morning. But he’s also eager to know what makes them smile and what their favorite Christmas treat is!
No need for return postage—just be sure to include a clear and legible return address so the elves can send your letter back to the right place.
Where to Mail Your Letter:
Look for the special letterbox in front of Meridian City Hall, from Monday, November 18 through Sunday, December 15. Meridian City Hall is located at 33 E. Broadway in downtown Meridian—just look for the bright red mailbox!
A friendly reminder from Santa: This is a family-friendly project, so please limit school letters to avoid overloading the elves.
Thank you, and happy holidays!

123 Elf Road
North Pole, 88888


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