The City of Meridian Water Division proactively conducts routine and non-routine flushing continuously throughout the year. Flushing is performed in an effort to improve water quality and reduce “brown water” occurrences by removing built-up sediments within our water lines. Those within one square mile of the flushing event point may experience discolored water or pressure irregularity.
Know When We Flush
In order to better notify our residents of the location and dates of these flushing events, we have set up several ways in which to be notified.
- Follow us on Nextdoor »
- Call our flushing hotline at 208-985-1278 for daily updates.
- Click on ‘Notify Me’ below for email notifications when flushing, additional updates, or changes are occurring in your area.
By signing up to receive flushing notices, you will get real-time updates letting you know when flushing will occur in your area and any additional updates or changes that occur.

Flushing Times:
Flushing typically occurs between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. during weekdays
Note: We cannot give exact times when flushing has concluded in your area, but it is encouraged that you flush your lines, if needed, after 4 p.m. to reduce any chance of sediment entering your home.
Helpful Tips if You Encounter Discolored Water
Your tap water may temporarily appear red, brown, or blackish in color. If this occurs:
- Run your cold water faucets in your bathtubs at full stream for a few minutes until the water runs clear.
- To avoid any unwanted sediment build-up in your hot water heater, you should always clear your lines using cold water taps like outside faucets, sinks, and tubs.
- During this flushing period, you should check your clothes washers and ice makers for any sediment before using them.
- If your faucets seem to be clogged or running slowly, simply remove the screens and rinse them out.
- The water pressure inside your home may also fluctuate at times. This is only temporary and regular water pressure will resume once this flushing period is complete.
Good Practice: The City would like to remind customers to be sure to occasionally flush their water systems during low-use times and before resuming normal business/activities. Just a few minutes of flushing cold water taps such as outside faucets, sinks, or tubs will help clear lines of this older water. Also, remember to keep hot water heaters working properly and up to temperature; 120-130 degrees is recommended.